
Questionnaire design

The smartwielen questionnaire has been designed by a team of experts from the University of Luxemburg and the Zentrum fir politesch Bildung. In order to guarantee that the questionnaire is comprehensive, relevant and politically neutral, the team consulted also with a large number of interest groups, civil society organizations and journalists from multiple media companies. Below you will find a detailed description of the questionnaire design methodology.

Questionnaire design (PDF, only available in French)


In order to match the answers/political positions of users with candidates and parties smartwielen applies an algorithm based on the Euclidean distance. Below you will find a detailed description of the matching-algorithm.

Positional matching methodology (PDF, only available in French)

smartspider and smartmap

In order to calculate the positions of candidates/parties and users on the six axis of the smartspider and within the two-dimensional political space of the smartmap, smartwielen applies common and very simple rating methods. Below you will find a detailed description of those methods as well as the complete assignment of questions to the dimensions of the smartspider and the smartmap.