About Us

Who are we?

Smartwielen is a project of the University of Luxembourg in collaboration with the Zentrum fir politesch Bildung. The smartwielen website is an adapted version of smartvote, a so-called VAA (Voting Advice Application) that was first developed in Switzerland in 2003 and is operated by the politically neutral, non-profit organization Politools.

University of Luxembourg

  • Raphaël KiesResearcher in Political Science
  • Dan SchmitDoctoral Candidate in Political Science

The University of Luxembourg is a public research and higher education institution based in Luxembourg. The university consists of three faculties and three interdisciplinary centres.

The Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) is specialised in research in the social sciences and humanities. It consists of three research units. The politcal scientists involved in the smartwielen project are associated with the European governance programme in the “Identités, Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces” (IPSE) research unit.

Zentrum fir politesch Bildung

  • Marc SchoentgenDirector
  • Michele SchiltDeputy Director
  • Jenny GrossProject Manager

The “Zentrum fir politesch Bildung” (Centre for Citizenship Education, ZpB) is an independent foundation that promotes civic engagement by strengthening the understanding of politics, democracy and current societal challenges. Above all it seeks to encourage young people to participate in political life and public discourse. Its work is based on three major pillars:

  • Learn: The ZpB develops educational material and continuous trainings on current political and social issues as well as didactics.These are aimed at primary and secondary school teachers as well as child care and youth workers.
  • Understand: The ZpB raises awareness about and strengthens the understanding of democratic processes and societal challenges through workshops, debates, conferences and expositions. Moreover, it provides books and other information material in a specialized library.
  • Participate: The ZpB organizes competitions and other activities to increase the interest of young people in politics. It supports institutions in the formal and non-formal education sector in the process of setting up or strengthening democratic structures.


  • Robin Bartlett RissiProject Manager
  • Jan FivazFounder
  • Daniel SchwarzFounder
  • Albert WaaijenbergWeb Design

Smartvote is a Swiss Voting Advice Application (VAA) developed and run by Politools – an interdisciplinary scientific network that operates internet-based projects to promote civic education, political transparency as well as politicial analysis. It is located in Bern, Switzerland. Since 2003, smartvote has informed users in over 200 elections throughout Switzerland and Europe.


  • Cédric Reginster
  • Johannes Lötscher
  • Matthias Flückiger

An information technology company based in Bern, Switzerland, soom-it focuses on the conception, architecture and development of sophisticated custom-made software and web applications. As the main IT partner, soom-it has supported the development of the smartvote web platform since 2014.