Question 1/43
1. Should the number of working hours per week be lowered...
2. Should infrastructure that is of public interest (e.g., water, gas,...
3. Should a quota for women on executive boards be introduced?
4. Should the gross minimum wage be raised by at least...
5. Should companies be forced to certify income equality between men...
6. Should the number of municipalities be reduced by binding measures?
7. Should property tax rates be increased?
8. Are you in favour of extending the use of expropriation...
9. Are you in favour of forcing municipalities to tax empty...
10. Should an unconditional basic income be introduced in Luxembourg?
11. Are you in favour of lowering the age of retirement?
12. Should an allowance be introduced for parents (mother, father or...
13. Are you in favour of free public transport?
14. Should the use of plastic bottles be banned?
15. Should taxes on fuels be increased?
16. Are you in favour of making it mandatory that more...
17. Should the number of windmills in Luxembourg be increased?
18. Should higher incomes be taxed more heavily?
19. Should taxes on small and medium-sized enterprises be reduced?
20. Should a single tax category that only takes into account...
21. Should inheritance tax rates be increased?
22. Are you in favour of bilingualism (Luxembourgish and French) in...
23. Should optional religion classes be reintroduced?
24. Are you in favour of extending the offer of international...
25. Should the third-party payment system ("tiers payant") be applied at...
26. Should a compulsory vaccination plan for children be introduced?
27. Should condoms be reimbursed by a national health fund (e.g.,...
28. Should proficiency in two of the three administrative languages (Luxembourgish,...
29. Should full-face veils be banned in all public spaces?
30. Should the level of the Luxembourgish language test required to...
31. Are you in favour of the automatic entry of foreign...
32. Should the number of surveillance cameras in public spaces be...
33. Are you in favour of increasing defence spending?
34. Are you in favour of allowing the police to use...
35. Should a public television broadcaster be introduced?
36. Should cannabis be legalised for personal use?
37. Should prostitution be recognised as a liberal profession?
38. Should a single electoral district be introduced for the general...
39. Should the accumulation of political mandates (local & national) be...
40. Should it be possible to submit legislative proposals through a...
41. Are you in favour of establishing a European army?
42. Are you in favour of the legal recognition of the...
43. Are you in favour of a binding distribution of applicants...
Economics & Labour
Should the number of working hours per week be lowered without reducing wages?
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